Saturday, January 29, 2011

What I've Learned From My Family.

So today was the Installation of Officers at the Lake Shore Volunteer Fire Department (LSVFD).  For me, the LSVFD has been my place for volunteer service for the last 10 years.  My Grandmother who I have such respect for has been involved since the 60's and before that, her father was the first fire chief at LSVFD.  So for me, the fire department is a huge aspect of my life. 

It became alarmingly aware tonight that my Grandmother is one of the most poised and well spoken women I know.  Although I have already know this about her, it was extremely obvious during the evenings festivities.  She knew exactly what to say and when, and even wrote a moving speech.  She makes eye contact and doesn't have long awkward pauses while speaking. 

When speaking with her this evening after the awards were given and everyone was relaxing I told her my thoughts and how inspirational she is.  She then said in return "You're like that too Megan" and I have to say, although it was a short comment that was said in passing, I am honored that she sees me this way.  I know that moving in with my grandparents through a kink in their own plans when I was 13.  I'm sure they were not expecting to raise a 13 year old teenage girl, but they took me in graciously and I am better because of it.  They taught me how to be respectful, responsible, humble, well spoken, and overall a better human being. 

So after reflecting on this small simple comment from my grandmother, and how much pleasure it gave me, I realized that I've learned a lot about life from my family.  And for that, I am thankful.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Appreciation for the Simple Joys

After a long day, it is nice to reflect on how wonderful my day and past weekend have been.

1.  I was able to spend time with a wonderful group of girls who I interned with during my senior year of college.  I don't see them often, but I have to say they have thoroughly made an impact on my life.  They are all very sweet, helpful and reliable people. 

2.  I was allowed to spend plenty of time relaxing in my house and patching holes and putting up pictures.  Just another step in the homeownership department.  We had a terrible time matching paint, but in the end John is a great handy man and financee.

3.  Today while at work John made a delicious greek eggplant lasagna, a quick greek salad and brownies for dinner.  I have no idea what he did to it, and I'm not normally one who likes to try new things, but the lasagna was AMAZING!  It was the perfect end to a rough day.

My first actual master's class starts tomorrow.  I'm nervous, but prepared.  However, we shall see!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Teachable Moment #4...The Power of Bribing...

The title of this post must sound absolutely terrible, I swear I have nothing but the best intentions for my students.  Yesterday, I was talking to my kids and trying to pump them up for their math "benchmark" (standard test) they were going to be taking.  I had them thinking they would get A's, we practiced questions that made them feel comfortable, etc.  I then gave them a goal....

"If 12 out of our 18 students get's better than a 70%, I will give you all extra recess."  Now, I'm not a terrible teacher but I felt they needed an incentive since many of students do not care as much about their grades.  They totally bought into this.  I crossed my fingers in hopes that they were ready to take on such a test. 

Today they took their test. I was extremely worried because of the time constraints that they would not finish (which many of them were done with very little time to spare).  After school we graded their BCR's (egh) which didn't seem terrible suprisingly enough.  When all was said and done, I had 3 students who had less than 70% (and nobody got below a D), which means 15 of my students received higher than a 70%!!!  I'm so proud of them and their accomplishments.  This made it a good day to be a teacher.  :)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Teachable Moment #3...Staying True to Yourself

As I've mentioned, I've planned on using this blog to reflect on the moments where I have learned something, which will hopefully every day.

As a teacher, we're required to give plenty of tests throughout the year.  During my first year of teaching I didn't have a problem with these tests, and my students were on the "bell curve".  This year however, I'm having a harder time looking at the test scores.  I stood there reviewing the grades my students received on a "standardized test" and an overwhelming feeling hit me- "I'm not a good teacher".  I sat there, pondering this statement.  I went to school for this, I have worked hard for this, I've wanted this since I myself was in fifth grade, and now...I'm no good at it?  How could this be?  My mind was reeling with questions and concerns.

I stopped staring at the data and went home from work.  As I was sitting here, wondering what I would write about tonight, I came to the realization that I didn't go into education in order to meet the requirements of data.  I came to this field because I want to make a difference.  The differences I make, especially in a Title I or AAA school, doesn't always mean that it will be academic but possibly social aspects and health aspects.  I feel that I have been able to give these to my students.  I refuse to consume myself with data and will continue to be supportive of my students and do my best to help them towards education and social behavior goals.

So that's what I've learned today.  Hope you learned something too!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Teachable Moment #2...Day Time Television

I never have a chance to watch daytime television during the week for the obvious reason of my job.  When I get home from work it's usually the news, jeopardy, or my DVR.  However, today was an "ice day" in which schools were closed.  It was nice to sleep in, stay in my pajamas, and get laundry/homework done.  However, I have managed to spend an extraordinary amount of time working on my blog (not sure if I love the layout) and watch "Real Housewives of Beverly Hills".

Now before anyone starts laughing I have to say, my grandmother (Mom-mom) doesn't have many guilty pleasures but to watch this one show, so I figured I'd try it out.  After watching, I am just completely dumbfounded!  The women on this show are suprisingly narcissistic!  It is shocking to see them shop and "beautify" themselves and then sit there and talk trash about others.  It is quite disturbing that these women (and their husbands too!) are making a lot of money from trashing their "friends" on television.

I have learned from this moment that just because you are off for the day does not mean you should succumb to the terrible shows on daytime television.

Teachable Moment #1...Blogging

This is my first entry as a blogger of sorts.  I consider myself  "tech savvy" so hears to teaching myself how to edit and create my blog.  I'd also like to figure out how to add pcitures and make my blog more "me".

I am 23 years old, almost 24 (which sounds extremely terrifying!)  I became engaged to boyfriend of 9 years in December.  It was adorably him and I wouldn't have had it any other way.  We're getting married next fall Oct/Nov 2012.  We also just bought a townhouse in my hometown of Pasadena.  It's quite a handful, but the house definitely has a lot of those "teachable" moments for us to live through together.

Aside from my personal life, I'm a fifth grade teacher, which has many of their own moments as well.  Hopefully I will be able to share some of these moments during my second year of teaching and while beginning my master's program.

My goal with this blog is to share the moments of my life that allow me to learn something new, whether it's planning my wedding, life as a homeowner, second year of teaching, or being a student again.